So summer arrived or is it spring? Tuesday nights and some Wednesday nights are TT nights in the metro. Last year at the first TNTT ( Tuesday Night Time Trial) it was so windy i bailed. I got blown off the road and i decided that riding 15 mph to stay upright was not a good plan so i just quit. I have never done that before and so this year when it was supposed to be in the 80's and humid i thought FOR SURE it would be ideal. There is always a bit of wind on this course so you can never have an EASY day, but it all seems to work out and you get a good effort in.
We got there after fighting traffic for WAY too long ( we live east, this is in the western metro) and in our short warmup it started to sprinkle, and lightening, and thunder in the distance.
Hmm, do are ceramic bearings more conductive than?? I just figured if i needed to pull over i would.
The details of the race arent that thrilling. Ride hard 5.5 miles, turn around at the bottom of a hill and ride back. Simple, eh? Well Its TT number 1 and my goal was to take a look into that pain locker and see how many toes and fingers i could get in there before i pulled out and wanted to sit on the sidelines and not go inside. The good thing is that once you are in there, you sorta just want to get it over with ASAP so what is the purpose of prolonging the pain, you just go harder to get it over with faster. Logical, maybe. You can see where the turn around is at the bottom of this hill, there is a flashing cop car down there:

This is the most lovely picture I have seen. Just gorgeous...
These are taken after we were done, i think.....
A few more action shots:

It was that spitting, messy rain but we never got totally nailed. About 1 mile away it was hailing and they had tornado warnings, so we were indeed lucky and blessed with a good or acceptable night. I then went to do a T run and got lost. Lovely. They moved the start so i was running around neighborhoods i had no idea where i was and ended up running twice as long as i was supposed to, and luckily, since it was 80+ i didnt care. No chill at the end of that run. My one regret was that our pool isnt open so i couldnt come home and jump in!
Rode well. I dont know the exact time, i decided it didnt matter, but i know i caught my 1 minute person and nearly caught my 30 sec person who will remain nameless since i want to have a happy marriage. Ha, ha, he is ok with it. I have faith he will return the favor next time.
I think i averaged 22.9 mph and that is great. I also got my usual lower GI spasms at the end of the effort, i dont puke, despite orders to "ride or run till you puke" but I know when i have maxed out and i did. And i actually had fun doing it. Really, i did.
Here is what else is going on:

Some of you know i have been dealing with a bit of...well..its hard to explain in laymans terms. Think Plantar Fascitiis of the deep periosteum of the femur under your hamstring behind your knee but a abit higher up ( Distal, short head of the biceps) IT gets irritated much like you would get from PF yet its so deep its hard to reach with the same modalities you would use with the Plantar Fascitiis. So the answer has been really really really being cautious with my run form ( ie i cant just hammer out a track wko without thinking about my form) and also getting some MyoFascial Release ...and most of all it means i get to go ski 3x week. Yes, Ski.
I am going to get those Butt/Glute's so strong that my hamstrings can have a little break/vacation when i run. And trust me, this machine is a killer. Its great frontal plane ( lateral motion) that we dont get running or riding or swimming. Fun fun:)
Last but not least:

I came home to this and just smiled. When i started Tri and got a mailing last year for 2009 as an Honorable Mention I had no idea they even did this. So to make AA, with all the really awesome athletes not only in my AG, its just so cool. Thanks to all my family and friends, my coach and my team sponsor, Gear West Bike and Tri, and to all the people that hold me together in one piece, Folske SPine and Rehab and New Heights PT. I need to update my sidebar to get you all linked better.
Happy Spring everyone.
I had Tues Night TT on my schedule this week but my tt bike wasn't back from CA yet & was too self conscious to do it on a road bike. I can't believe you didn't get rained on. I was riding in the Minnetonka/Wayzata area and got poured on and hit with pea sized hailand made it home literally 5 mins before the HUGE hail. Seriously - check out the pics of the hail on my fb page!
Those pictures are awesome Julia!! So glad you FINALLY got some decent weather (even if just for a day :). Time to race!!!
Hmmm, maybe one day I will do these. Or maybe I'll never get on a bike again. Who knows. But it is encouraging to see it is also warming up there as well.
great pictures. TTs hurt. I try to do a couple a year and always get my butt kicked. Congrats on All American :-)
Very cool AA...nice TT...and good luck working those glutes. I probably need some of that skiing stuff myself. :)
I totally want a home ski machine! that's awesome. sometimes I try to play soccer in the offseason and boy does all that starting/stopping/cutting tear me up! I'm more injured after one game than I am after an IM!!! cool stuff. nice work on the TT and the AA!!!
Wow, the AA ia amazing and so well deserved. Congrats.
AWESOME pics!! Love those :)
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