Long time no blogging. oops. Life is clicking along, some ups some downs, some training some not training, just sorta how it goes these days. Friday I head to Kansas to meet up with Renee and Leslie and her fabulous parents for a fun time in Lawrence, KS! I cannot wait to do this course again, as last year it kicked me hard. I had a few ( many) tough moments on the run due to heat and to some monthly issues and this year I am sure there will be heat but "knock on wood," no visits from aunt flo. ( sorry guys, its a significant downer when it lands at mile 5!)
Goals? Yea I have a few but the number one goal i have is to play within my heat boundaries. We have NOT had hot weather other than this past weekend. I ran for an hour ++ sunday and it felt hot. It was 75. Not 89. So i have some pacing to look at, all without wearing a Garmin or any sort of HRM, or anything. Just decided i was gonna go naked for the entire thing and see how it goes.
The bike is far from easy but its a fun course and i like punchy rollers mixed in with long hills so on that front its just going to be a fun long hard ride! And as for the run, as i said, well lets just pace that one and not win the 1st 5k!
The swim is also gonna be awesome. This race has two T's, Renee and i coined them "Downstairs and Upstairs." Downstairs is T1 and you get to climb out of the Clinton Lake on your bike, ( and also two times on the run) and then you rack in T2 Upstairs. Pretty slick, just remember two pair of shoes so you dont have to walk 1/2 mile in barefeet at 5 am sunday morning. Not good. I checked lake temps for Clinton Lake and as of June 5 it was 75! COME ON HEAT. lets get that lake up to 76 please!! Which makes me laugh that i am even wishing this since last year the day prior to the race they literally ANNOUNCED that the race was not going to be wetsuit legal.
*** mass run on all the speedsuits....all vendors very happy:)
All racers who bought them not happy come sunday, when they declared it WAS legal now. AFTERALL!
Oh well someplace it was 75.9 degrees. I have never been SO HOT in a swim, seriously bad bad move so i sure hope that someone gets some guts and if its really that hot will just say "nope, if you need a wetsuit you arent eligible for places." its pretty simple people.
Stepping stones here for the start of IM Training ( gulp) so i am just going to go out and have a fun day! Good luck to those racing Eman( hope your water is 76 too, lol) and be safe out there!
Here are a couple of pics from our OWSwims, The water is still BRISK!!! Like So brisk i wore my skinsuit sunday and i didnt want to catch the water more than 2 inches below the surface. Brr...Hannah was a trooper and once we got our faces in we were ok!

Pretty soon i will need to be circling this lake to get some continuous swims of over 1-1.5 hours, and heck i dont want to do that in a pool:)

Our water is looking pretty warm for EM too...and I totally agree...if it's going to be up there PLEASE no wetsuits! I don't want to roast before the bike/run even start! :) Best of luck Julia!! I'll be thinking of you Sunday. Have fun on the yellow brick road!
Good luck! That has got to be tough to race in crazy hot conditions that you haven't had the opportunity to train in. Sounds like you know how to be smart about it, though.
GOOD LUCK THIS WEEKEND!!!! We're kinda in the same boat - after weeks of crappy cold weather, it'll be finally sunny and warm-ish (only "ish" - like 73) for racing this weekend. Nothing too hot but since there's no acclimation... Hopefully I'll get done before it gets uncomfortable but at least I don't have to worry about hypothermia like last week! Have a great trip!
Oh jeez... "brisk" is being generous! Have a blast this weekend!
Good luck, Julia! Have fun and dump lots of ice down your suit on the run. ;)
Good Luck. Aunt flo LOL :)
Good luck in KS. I had so much fun at that race last year. I even liked the heat.
good luck julia!! kick some butt!
GOO JULIA!!!!!!!!!!! :)) You will do super! Have fun with RR too!
good luck. a sure fire fun trip and then i know you will roll thru that race!!! :)
Sometimes I go naked too! It's good to just go by feel sometimes! Yeah for open water swimming and FINALLY getting some warm weather! We'll see.. this weekend might be too warm but o well! Good luck!!!
I almost always read on my phone so haven't seen the new look here! Love it.
have a great race....which I'm sure you will!
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