Today we rode the sunday GP ride. Stopped at a gas station in Hudson to get snacks, water and to use the facilities. Since i was the only female on the ride, the Ladie's room cleared out faster than the Men's. So I stood outside the door to the Ladie's room to be sure we didnt freak out Grandma on her way to church or some woman that wanted to use the bathroom. Granted it was 9am, and the place was empty so i wasnt worried...and there were only 2 or 3 guys using it....then...
The woman at the counter had a bit of a tizzy...
" NO NO NO. Men cannot use the ladies room."
Door shuts and another guy goes in. I went over to her counter to try to soothe the angst so our group and other riders would be welcome to buy our salted nut rolls, water and gatorade at this Hudson stop again.
" They cannot use that." As she is starting to magic marker up signs saying..
"LADIE's ONLY..." in black cursive...
"Why? I am watching if anyone comes in i will make sure they keep it clean."
Again, it was empty in there. I thought about making a joke about the guys having good aim, but i decided against it. It was then she told me.."It is against the LAW for a man to use the women's room."
So is it against the law for me to use the men's room, as I have done more than once, whenever there are women taking way too long? And not even on a bike ride? And what about women that, like me, prefer Bib shorts, and to think that we dont take FOR-EVER to get those on and off? So i know women use mens rooms, why cant this be a reciprocal gift?
Great ride..despite the massive head wind on the way back. But super day.
ummm. there was a race today....
huh? there are lotsa races arent there?
Too bad we didn't know you were in town or you could have used our bathroom. Our bathroom is always clean,we don't care what gender you are and Jim and Jordan ALWAYS put the seat down!! See you at the Dog.
yeah, that would be frustrating to me as well.......
were you on the way out to prescott?? afton??
love that area?? feeling a need to get out there one of these days.
see ya next week, tnt??
yes there are, and hopkins is a fun one
You've GOT to be kidding. Methinks somebody was on a little power trip.
What would have happened if YOU had used the men's room? After all, that must be against the law, too.
I agree with the first 2 sentences of the last comment.
And I have no idea about the legality.
i'm pretty sure it's just in colorado at the moment, but, there is a new law that makes it illegal to deny a person access to public accommodations, including restrooms and locker rooms, based on gender identity or the "perception" of gender identity.
so...there's that.. :)
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