This is my dress. And my head piece.
Ok it isnt really, but how fun would that have been? Even tho it looks like an asymmetric curtain and a pigeon on her head. Only in New York, I am guessing.
Ok I have been watching too much Arrested Development, pigeons, magicians, and Gob, pronounced JOBE...ok ok either you get it or you dont.
Damie you didnt miss it:)
Tonight starts the festitivities as my parents have a family "grownup" party and some family is shipping in today.

Friday brings a pool swim, some coffee time for the ladies and the rehearsal. haha I need that. I already thought that the bridesmaids came in after me. Oops.
We are combining a 50th party for my parents with a Groom's dinner on friday.
Then saturday, a run or maybe a bike, then there is some makeup and hair where i have been promised i wont look like Tammy Faye.
I love this phone conversation with the hair person:
Me: "So do you want me to arrive with clean hair, wet hair...??"
Hair person: " Well what do you normally do with your hair in the morning."
Me: Blank space, dead phone..." Brush it?"
Hair person: sensing my confusion..." So you put in the PRODUCT and then....???."
Me: " I dont usually use product...."
Hair person: " So you just blow dry it and....." she is trying so hard to help me...I can sense her pain.
Me: " Nope never blow dry it...so how about if i just come in with hair that isnt squeeky clean?"
Hair person, thinking "HELP HER..." YES THAT IS FINE.
Maybe i do need a dead pigeon in my hair
But then the Goal Event ( A RACE) is at 4:30. Reception will be a bit different than we had planned but still super fun. No worries.
We leave for the honeymoon monday!
Once again i cant say enough thanks to all my friends, family, those i dont even know who prayed for us or sent vibes in whatever spiritual or non spiritual manner suits you.
Today at a work meeting a scripture was used to describe Pace: The Gift to Run Your Race.
It was our all staff meeting and an author named Larry Julian spoke. He has three fantastic books out: GOD IS MY CEO, GOD IS MY SUCCESS, and GOD IS MY COACH ( along with Jen)
I really think that you all ( in addition to Beth!) will enjoy these books!
"Let us throw off everything that hinders...,and let us run with perseverence the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1
Now when we define perseverence-moving forward despite obstacles and disturbances- we get new insight into these words and how they apply to us. Whether you apply this to a Triathlon ( winds, cold, you feel like crap, you are slow, you have PMS) or you apply this to life ( your fiance is diagnosed with cancer, you have a sick child, you have an injury, you lost all your $ in your 401k)
We have all perservered and now it is time to rejoice and celebrate!
I promised Rich no blog or FB on the honeymoon so ..signing off for a few weeks!
This is for Michelle. You cant read my lips but i am saying HTFU:) You cant see it but MY OCEAN ...The Mighthy Mississippi...is calm and lovely to my left. Marit would be out there rowing. I know my sister was!
Ruby says hi. She is sporting the ribbon from a Williams Sonoma gift box and actually seems quite pleased with it!