Here is a start..I hope to get a video up soon if i can figure it out. Rich has been putting together a fantastic slideshow. Everytime i watch it i get relaxed and also laugh so hard i nearly wet my pants. He took a video on his Iphone and I, of course, made some funny editorial comments.
( You know, it is good to THINK your own jokes are funny)

Dress compliments of KO. Too bad I spilled all over it and now it's mine.
Kidding. Thanks KATE!!!
Perfect for snorkling.
And yes...perhaps Jen has a new client? hmm...I think he is bored watching me. Why not just do one himself? Yes yes yes!!!
Okay - totally awesome pics! Just beautiful! Ooohh - YEA for Rich! We've got another triathlete - hee hee hee! You look fabulous - thanks for posting!
Can't wait to see the slide show! Nice to talk to you this evening. Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the pics, so perfect for a honeymoon! Keep smiling!
beautiful honeymoon pics :)
Wow, that looks like an amazing place! Did I see a swim cap and goggles in that one pic?!
Looks awesome - and your wedding was so beautiful! CONGRATS!!
I'm just catching up on your blog! So much has been happening with youi and all good things! The wedding pics are beautiful and you both look so so happy. What a blessing.. I couldn't be happier for you!!! Love your st. johns pics too.. I have the SAME suit that your friend loaned you. Thankks for the kind words on my blog.You're right..I'll be fine. I loved you line about "real bikers break their collarbones at some point.." well, I guess I'm in the club!!
Love the pictures!! You look great in each of them - who said you are in an off season - you look ready to pull off a PR in a tri, well perhaps maybe not after all the vino at dinner.
ummmm hello hottie!!!!! nice bikini pic!
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