Today i slept till 8:30 am. I stayed up last night till midnight. I went for a walk today, with Rich. We walked slow. We went to get coffee, we sat there and didnt leave till 11. We shared a muffin, it was all cake like. Not grainy or good for you at all. Then i came home and had some halloween candy.
This is NOT my normal MO.
I was out last night with these fun ladies:
Kortney ( 2 kids down, one heck of a nice person and a magnified Vo2 max, hmm pregnancy anyone?!) Suzie ( lovely Suzie, who has the cutest dogs and a fabulous smile ..oh and dont mess with her on the bike), Hannah ( the nicest, and best Gear West staffer/manager/friend, dog mom who is hosting the next party in her sauna..who looks very serious here but i think that is bc the host was taking like 5 minutes to take the picture), Your's truly, and Marta( who ended up with a $52 salad after the parking ticket) Blah on that.
We kept it tame, good Greek eats and one bottle of greek wine ( for 5 of us, i would say we kept it tame!) These are my fantastic teammates. I am so lucky to have friends that are also people who love multisport. But best of all is that i think we genuinely like each other even if we werent swimming biking and running too. That is what this sport has come to mean to me. Friends, people that have a life outside of the sport, and despite our odd quirky love to tear ourselves up, I have gotten to know these women more off the race course/ training course than on. Pretty cool.
It took me a while to remember that I had these: Our group pic..I am in the middle
straight down from the E in "Best"...

As for the video they are not in order, but it goes T2, Run finish, then some swim video.
I may or may not have gotten cabin video in there too. oops. My biggest fan, Rich, took these video's and as you will hear, has a very loud voice!
I have another week of no structure coming up. That is just fine as i am taking my time getting back into the swing, searching for a pool that isnt 83 roasting degrees, biking outside on my road bike while its still above 40 and easing back into runs as my posterior allows. Not sure on that one really and since the A game doesnt need to be in full swing until next spring, why rush it? ( Easier said than done as i saw runners out today on the trails and ached to be running, not walking! ) Seems i am a huge wuss walking. I can envision running miles and miles but walking seems so long and hard and boring at times.
Anyways enjoy the video!
Had so much fun last night - thanks so much for organizing!!!
Congrats on a breakout season Julia, you were amazing all year! It has been so much fun getting to know you. So funny how you went from being the girl who passed me right before the finish line at my first race of the year to one of my best tri friends. Looking forward to lots of training and racing together and many more non-tri fun nights where nobody talks about triathlon :-)
Fun! Awesome the friends we make through the sport , local and far away.
PS - my ride today ended at 71 degrees! woot!
i love the friends part. love it.
I feel the same way about walking. It's so BORING!
Hope you enjoyed your ride outside. It rained all day here (not that I am ready to get on my bike, anyway).
Yeah for fall running! Can't wait to do some myself. :) And yeah for great friends! :)
So nice to see your MN TRI friends in this pic! HOW fun! Nice to get together with the girls when not in spandex!
Glad you are having fun...I agree...walking is well...just walking...but keep enjoying your rest and heal your butt! :)
Hahaha I feel you on the walking wuss. I go for ONE lake and it takes almost an hour. Coulda' run (ran?) THREE lakes in that time!!
In case you need any more training buddies, I'd love to run with you when you're back at it! Fair warning that I'd probably pick your brain about PT half the time. :)
so funny that you got that A+ bike transition on video. love it! nice times with the girls too- I think that is important. Enjoy your week!
I made it 6 days without a run, and then...I could not say no to a trail run. Oh well, at least I did trails. Great job on the rest for you, and hope the butt is feeling better!
I'm glad you are staying up late and enjoying some nice time just eating muffins and enjoying yourself! That is wonderful!! Do some for me too!! Love the friend picture!!
One bottle is NOT enough. :)
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