So.."Are you enjoying your off season?" How many of you have heard that lately? And how many of you were SO EXCITED To get there and now that you are there, you are ready to get going again ? Anyone?
I know I had to really work at letting myself have some true time off. I mean its been a week?
It's funny how for me, it isnt really that i miss the suffering. Trust me. I dont. But i miss the organization my wko's give my day. Sorta funny, that i get up and my first thought is " what should i do now?" Obviously there is work, and lots of it, but I tend to be the person that is much more efficient AFTER my morning wko.
With the seasons changing here we have plenty of yardwork, pool closing, wardrobe switching around closet to closet and of course the box elder bugs keep me busy sweeping them up and getting them out of the house. I am also making tons of yummy eats. Baked vegggies, stuffed squash and more apple crisp than I can keep up with. ( Rich seems to have a bottomless apple appetite, so no worries there)
It was April 2010 when i did this race. Texas 70.3. What a summer it has been since the opening day!
So how is the recovery going? Really? You want to know?
It helped to spend a day and a half in lovely La Jolla, CA after BOUS. REally I am so lucky to know this area and feel like it's home. Rich had never been to the LJBTC and when i was greeted by the tennis pro's, the owner/manager Bill kellogg and many more people there it felt like i was home. Sadly there was no tennis for me. But there was lots of ocean time and of course, the sunsets:

At home it is cooler, the leaves are all over the place and its a bit harder to sit still. I am going to start moving a bit next week, yoga ( Bikram!) and some gentle walks and maybe a bike. But to be honest everytime i think about running or even riding i kinda go "Nah." I Cant tell how my butt is. It feels like my hammie is sorta frustrated with me, but since i havent run, and i wont run, I dont know. I just have to trust that the more time i give it to get happy, the better.
And it does kill me to not run, but it will kill me more if i cant run in december when i am totally house bound, so why not show some patience now. As we know, nobody needs a champion in January.
I am starting my rest tomorrow:) Not excited about it, but hey, just as in racing we push through pain, in recovery we can push through whatever prevents us from resting. Same thing:) The bad part about resting in October is that the weather is amazing!
I feel the same way. I woke up yesterday and this morning and thought "I don't know how to start my day." I've been like a tornado in the house. It's amazing how much I've gotten done.
When I start to get used to this down time, that's when I'll be scared.
One week down too for me- it is hard- I keep eating and not exercising which scares me! But the less I do the less I want to do and that is bad! Time to get going, one more week...Galveston seems a world a way!
Yeah for rest and recovery! And you're right - it would be MUCH worse not to be running in Dec/Jan/Feb as the season is getting started so REST NOW!! :)
Yes, the killer is the awesome weather...but that is ok...Tucson is soon (well..)! REST REST REST and more chocolate! :)
Sounds like you are enjoying your downtime as best you can. I know how you feel with not knowing how to schedule your day without a wko to fit in. Hope the rest treats you well!! :)
I LOVE Red Velvet fro yo, but we have red velvet cake batter fro yo, so maybe it is the cake batter that makes it soooo good.
today, after 2 weeks of not working out, i have a 45 minute run. grrr, back to the grind. enjoy the r&r!!
You've had an awesome sesason and now it's time to relax.
I should use my time more wisely making yummy foods like you, instead of sitting on the couch watching Weeds.
The sunsets, the beach, the palms, I miss California.... I want to come back!
So cool you got to hang in CA for a bit.. love the beach pic!! Just enjoy.. I know it's hard sometimes.. but I am not one to have trouble with the off season (until about week three, then I'm about ready to do SOMETHING)! No running.. take care of that hiney!
Love your pics :)
send me more recipes.. and send me to sandiego STAT. rest is the best really. i plan to become quite hippo like in the next few weeks. lovely.
we've got one more race and then off season. Just in time for the holidays. Then come january, we're ready to kick into gear. Tis life! I'm exicted to get back into yoga though. Hope your "off season" is do-able! haha.
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