Sunday Fun.... Can you feel the VERVE?
4/11's of my team (do the math, that isnt an easy decimal to figure out) Lets see ...
Less than half of my team but more 1/3rd of it...anyways...we rode today.
We were accompanied by Manion 1 and Manion 2. Thanks guys, nice to have you along!
At this point in the ride we were nearly in Hastings, having almost hit to Prescott but decided we had better stick to the plan. Which had been Afton to begin with...there was talk of Winona too but...

Pretty nice day, and pretty drama free ride. Fun to ride by the Vineyards (Bailey) and also to have our future team car drive by us in Cottage Grove:The Pink metallic caddy SUV. Team Mary Kay. I will explore that option for 2009. Until then no team car. And I am kidding.

Wait, where are we again? Hats off to the ride leader (S).

Riding back on Rich Valley we saw Jimmer and Jordan (man his legs are long) and i am not sure who was with them. But it was good to see everyone out soaking the rays up. I dont have a computer on my bike so you dont get any fancy mileage/downloads this time around. I think the st paul folks got 60+ and the mpls got over 70. Just a guess. I will say that hauling up the "belgian" onto summit(full cross bike with fenders) was not fun, but it seemed shorter ( and steeper) than going up Grand.
Happy Palm Sunday to you all, and thanks "peeps," for the nice ride.
Roger Federer. French Open winner this year...?
Matt, now that we know that he had is possible. I dont think Clay is his forte, but if he can get some confidence in the upcoming events...maybe..
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