No monuments in this update, but some juicy gossip. Read on.

So I went to DC this weekend with Rich and my parents. My cousin CR was getting married.
I lived with CR, her sister ER and her parents D and A for a trimester while at the Big Green so it was great to see them some 20 years later! Wow, amazing how those kids grow up. While I havent gotten any older. This amazing family hasnt changed a bit. Still as beautiful and gracious as ever. This is the bride and her Dad.

I have a second calling if my day job doesnt pan out.

Rich went to Georgetown so he caught up with his pal St. Ignatius.

While Rich and Iggy caught up i played some chess with an old/former/stiff professor.

I dont remember the Exorcist( maybe that is good) but i guess these stairs mean something.

Friday it was 74 in DC. We flew out in snow.

But all eyes and hopes were on the cake. No matter what. We all know that the cake is what brings us to a wedding. Ok kidding. But i have to say that it isnt the cake. The cake is the vehicle for all that is good. Frosting. And it is music to my tummy to see WHITE VANILLA, and not chocolate. Call me crazy. Many have. Many will. Vanilla trumps chocolate anyday. Icecream too.
And here we are, all dressed up. 

Above is the Dartmouth alum picture. We missed Uncle Chuck, but he was too many tables away so i got Bill. My mid-mass Downhill champion skier over Dartmouth Winter Carnival. Oh and by the way, that is an indoor ski race. Down 4 flights of stairs. Certainly use your back up skis.

As some of you may know, I was SOOOO excited to go to LuluLemmon. I left room in my bag, I planned for a dent in my bank account and had even had an order from a friend, on faith, to get her a pair of the super rockstar paints. So..we walked and walked and asked and found...
LuluLemmon Athletica. I had it planned. I wanted another bag, for my mom.

Lo and behold...IT WASNT OPEN! NO! It cant be. What?
I was devastated. I was sad. I was secretly thrilled to not have a dent in my economy, but I think I was hoping to do my best to single handedly get the economy going and in D.C. to boot!
I figured that there had to be a reason for this. And as you can see, there was.
Because I had already gotten all I needed an hour earlier. I got the promise of a wonderful future with my Honey.

Yes the ring is outstanding. ( other than it is too big so i have nearly thrown it across the Mall in DC running between the Capital, the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial. Also nearly down the drain and tonight lost it on my floor) So it is staying in it's "home bag/box" till it is re-fit. But more important than the ring is the love it represents and even more special than that is that Honey and I got engaged....

On November 7th, 2008...49 years to the day that my Mom and Dad were married.
How amazing is that? Mom rocks in pink and in a Pink hair cut ( i mean the rockstar pink! no nosering needed) and my dad is still as dapper and witty as he has ever been. Thanks Mom and Dad, I hope Rich and I have even 1/2 the number of years of happiness that you two have had.