So how do i top last weekend? I didnt try. ( I am trying to figure out why this is underlined, tho) A bit of weather came to MN after our balmy DC weekend. So it was a good chance to get the cross bike out. MN seasons mix: The Grill and Cross bike with fenders. Isnt pool and BBQ season anymore, but the grill will still get some action this winter!

Yep that is me. And now we will switch gears to the friday night fun we had thanks to our First Light Friends. My girlfriends were happy to come and celebrate with us even tho i felt like a louse for meshing parties "Girls happy hour meets Engagement celebration." Thanks to all who came to toast us.

Pat the track man! Watch out he is pumping some serious iron this winter and already talking PR's at the track.

Pat, Honey, Jill and Scott.

Judi, chuck and Bill.

Kevin and Becky. Note that if you EVER get to draft behind Big Kevin, do it. He can also RIP your tire off your bike so fast and change a flat in about 2 minutes. Very handy guy to have around. He also knows how to pick good beers:) Becky, thanks for organizing this. So much fun.


Bill, Julie and Tom.
Best of all was that other than Rich's cold ( which i am trying to get..cold-eeze cavities are on the way as well) it was so good to have the team there. This year was full of collarbone breaks. Seems that bad things come in threes? Scott at Firehouse 50, down, broken Clavicle. Pat, at the track, down, broken Clavicle. Bill...random mishap with a homeless? (seriously we arent sure) rider who came out of the path on water street as Bill was flying down the road in his aero bars. Bill got the worst of that one becoming friends with the road barrier and banging himself up so badly that his leg looked like an inflated sausage..FOR 4 WEEKS. Positive thing is he is getting a new TREK Madonne. But no new bike can replace the FIRST LIGHT health, so boys, no riding off the trainer into the wall ( no names) and by all means avoid the rollers.
Fenders on a 'cross bike! Oh my eyes!
Oh, to be a winter rider!! Great photo!
Wanna do a track workout BEFORE the 5K so you can be speedier for it? We're planning one this Saturday at 9 am again! 1600 repeats - THE BEST!! The e-mail should be going out tonight or tomorrow...
Oh yeah! You girls look WILD :) Fun times for sure in those fotos!!!
Just wanted to thank you for your comment, it means so much to me, and you are totally right...
All the best to you! Happy Weekend :)
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