but just know that historically NEXT week and the week after ( the 2nd and 3rd weeks of Jan) are usually the coldest. Then winter is over. haha. I was driving home from the Y today and my car read -10, in bright sunshine. All I could think was "when i am in Tucson and it is 50, that will seem warm." Sad thing is that even if "WE CAN HANDLE IT, we are from MN..." Who wants to handle it! I far prefer 70 and up and have outgrown the " I am so tough, and i want to brag about it.." I think it's insane to be outside doing stuff when it is this cold. Ok..soapbox over. It is sunny so that is nice.

I had a great week with Marit in town.
No we didnt plan the suits, but those dolphin uglies are the best. And they arent ugly IMO.

I had met Marit last year in Tucson and loved her supportive and encouraging attitude from day 1. Plus she likes sheet cake and cupcakes, and so do I:) We swam a few times and I tell ya, I swam faster than i have ever swum. Even if she dropped me in the warm up, she helped me with my flip turn ( since i smacked her a few times with my wandering octupus arms) and then I caught back up to her:) I guess when you are 28 yo versus 43 yo you dont need to warm up as much! Then we went to get coffee at my sponsor shop Nina's. I have been avoiding caffeine in coffee since i was having some issues with FCBD, figure it out, if you dont then you dont need to know, but i went to order a Capp ( I have been sooo good...) and I was going to order Decaf, and Marit says.." What has the MOST caffeine of everything on that drink board. I want that!" Go girl. After she saw the foam on my Capp she still enjoyed her depth charge but next time we both got the DQ-esque foamy capps. And yes. I am back on decaf! No worse for the wear. I think she flew out today, at -15 I know she was ready to get back to Cali! Miss you Marit and thanks for pushing me in the pool.
Other than that I have had a few knee tweeks running on this:

It may not look that bad but btwn running in the ruts in the street, not to mention there are cars, to the sidewalks where some losers ( ok they are losers) who dont shovel the first real snowfall...then it melts..( it was 38 here Xmas day) and duh, then it refreezes and you have all this crater-esque rough sidewalk that is impossible to run on much less even walk on. Running anything other than in survival mode is impossible. So somewhere in the last week running on this stuff outside...falling down the spiral staircase when i was carrying a laundry basket ( no it wasnot the Martini night!) and doing alot of bike->weight->bikewkos' I strained my patellar tendon ...ugh. Last year it was my Gastroc, doing bounding on a cold packed ground outside. Seems winter is just rough on the body! And as much as i can tolerate 1x week on the TM, today's 1 hour on the elliptical and then 20 min on the TM ( to replace a long run) was rough. Granted at the temps we had i was just happy to be inside.
So i go to my car to get my water bottle and...At least I could use it to ice my knee.

The one thing i havent done yet in the HOLY BATMAN ITS COLD mode is to make snow.
I will try to capture it on camera, but i am comfy inside...boil some water. go outside. Throw it up in the air. and it snows. It is actually pretty cool to see.
Tonight we have an office party at a nice restaurant. Kind of a fancy place, actually.... hhehehehe. Rich and I have some fun up our sleeves. Look what we are bringing. We just havent figured out who's chair it is going under.

See winter makes you do crazy things. Stay warm all you people.. the rest of you who are afraid to go ride your bikes when it is 40 degrees, see you in Tucson.
Hahahahahaha......oh boy. That's gonna be funny....
okay....I am such a weenie- no riding under 40, and if it is is the 40s, still usually no riding b/c of the wind! I have only seen -14 one time in Denver, and I promptly changed my plans to move there. Looks like you and Marit had fun...sounds awesome!
Oh my. So many comments, so little time to bore you :) Suffice it to say, you have an extra dose of the HTFU gene to live with that!
Brrrr. Glad you had fun - cute matching suits :)
I like that the labels for your post go "fart machine...marit" - she must be honored. Sounds like you guys had a great time together.
And seriously, why does anyone live up here? We are all nuts.
No comment. I can't even think of what to say bc my brain is frozen just thinking about where you live.
I think I was just called out...
Just to make you feel better, this morning it was 14 degrees. But I am officially a wimp, so I bagged out on running w/ friends to wait until it warms up to 25 later.
And I thought it was cold here. You have us beat in MA by about 30 degree colder. We are in the 20s so I can't complain.
I had a GREAT time with you - THANK YOU!!!!! It was awesome swimming and then enjoying our coffee, even if I needed a depth charge or two. Yeah, um... I saw the "fart machine" and then my name. Classic. At least I didn't pee in the pool. Just thought I'd pass that along.
Can't wait to see you again!
GOOD LUCK with the cold. Oh my. ;)
i feel ya on old man winter... it's my 2nd day back and I'm ready to go back south. I think I'm going to try to avoid patellar tendon injuries and stick to the treadmill for now. maybe somehow this crazy coldness will make us mentally tougher?
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