Not sure you can read this but we have had some fun with this....
The GET TO KNOW ME board. Last time we were here i wrote all over the medical board with indelible ink. You know the one that says the date, the RN's name, the PCA's name, what your diet is, what your activity level is. So i think this dry erase board is for me:)

The pickles and chips and salsa will be on hold for about 6 weeks, as we will hit the white food groups hard in the next month. No seeds, veggie skins, fruits etc..that could potentially get "caught" in the GI. Just think about all the good stuff you normally eat, and he cant eat that.
I will have to watch my Tapioca consumption, and lucky for me I dont care for mashed potatoes!
Best of all is that he is eating soft foods, and he refused the Heparin today. Those shots are as bad as they sound, the bruising on his triceps is pretty bad and even Arnica hasnt helped. If the MD gives the go ahead we are headed home thursday. The incision is a bit inflamed and they are watching it to be sure they dont have to drain it. Fingers crossed again.
Have a super day everyone.
PS Oh and I had a GREAT tempo run today! My blister/callus that i somehow ignored in Tucson is hurting on my big toe and even with Moleskin it seems to just not go away...bum.
Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow and getting to go home!! And enjoy the white food group. Pudding galore! :)
Yeah for great tempo runs!! :)
Hope you get to bring your hubby home tomorrow!!!
Try the thai tapioca- made with coconut milk. Moana and I are huge fans! :)
great news Julia!
blister - how about duct tape.
I am glad to hear that you are going home soon! Hooray :)
So glad he is going home and everything it looking up for you guys!! Hmmm... sounds like an interesting diet, nothing whole or whole grain - all refined foods - it would probably be a dream for the typical american!
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