Left St Paul late thursday with an aching heart. I was thrilled to be heading out on my own adventure but felt so sad to be leaving my family and many cousins, aunts and uncles that had gathered to say goodbye to Uncle Geordie. Thanks all of you for your nice comments. It means alot to me. Still i was missing the dinner and social time that is so special to connect and remember. Rich went and he said he had just a wonderful time with the family, so I feel really happy about that. At the same time I knew i had a job to do and I was going to light those matches for Geordie, for Angus, and for my Aunt Topsy who had been admitted to the hospital as well with some complications. Time to drive and time to not feel lonely! I was going to see some neat peeps in Kansas and meet some other people I was certain!
Got to DesMoines and stayed there ( I am not too good at driving more than 4-5 hours solo, just get tired, and nutso) so had a nice stay and did some damage to the Hotel AM buffet. I did Rich proud, he loves those things! As JH told me, "eat some real food, not bird food!" Ha, so I think i cleaned out the eggs and oatmeal and waffles and...you get the point. Arrived in Lawrence mid day Friday and went right to the Expo etc. to check in. It was HOT. I usually am not a fan of AC, but i sure had it on. But i figured it was acclimation to be walking around in that. I waited for Renee to get there ( she flew in to KC and rented a car) and met her around 2pm at the race site and we got checked in around 3pm. IT was SO HOT, waiting in line etc...but they nicely brought all the athletes water. Luckily I had already seen Leslie as she was there earlier too as VOLUNTEER of the RACE, heck, that woman doesnt sit still. She had stuffed packets, was going to work the dinner that night, and then ended up at race checkin. She did earn her race entry and i think she should have gotten an entry for Branson too! I am surprised it didnt take anything out of her racing...Or am I?:) No not really. I may need to go back on the VEMMA and VERVE!
So we then headed to Leslie's parents who live about 10 minutes from the race site. They were the most cordial and giving people. And their house, super cool. And our bikes could come into this super cool new house. SCORE :)
We finally met up with Leslie, had some dinner and then decided to get ready for the saturday pre-race jitters and mandatory brick. Slept in, sorta, and had breakfast and rode around the 'hood a bit having the usual " disc or no disc" discussion. Well I did, Renee just had deep rims.
Renee almost hit a deer when i went back early. Phew. We packed up and went into the race site ( without bikes this time) to take a swim. That is when we were told the water was 77.9999 degrees. Ok and we cant swim. WHAT? WHY? we were never sure but oh well. Sorry coach no swim. ( didnt matter, hee hee, still swam great) so we mulled around. and drove part of the course ( up down up down winding roads) and went back to eat lunch. We still had to take our bikes back to check in, and you see this race is FANTASTIC if you like to walk but next year i am bringing my Segway or my rollerblades. I have shin splints from the added 5 miles i walked each day. Two T's plus parking about 1 mile from the race site and no shade= tired, grumpy and "MAN its so much easier to run." Ha, that isnt true but it does wear on you.
So we had an hour or so of "legs up" after lunch where Renee and my stomach took turns talking to each other. I guess this is common when you room with Renee. ( ha Mary) And then headed back to race site to get bikes down to the water and T1. That is where we got to see Chrissie! What a gal, she was so nice, we asked her " If it isnt a problem and you arent busy, can we have our picture with you?" She thanked us for asking and then about 20 people came out of the woodwork to ask. Oops " SORRY " we said and ran off! I was sooo sweaty i didnt want to get too close to her, but heck she was ready to have a Chrissie Sandwich for all she cared.
And her socks are cool arent they?!

So the long trudge up the hill to T1 and then another trudge to the car.
As we headed back towards the car we heard the race director announce:
" The water is 81 degrees, there will be NO WETSUITS. We will add a wave at the end for those that feel uncertain or unable to swim without a wetsuit but your results will not count, blahblahblah..." At that point it was nearly 5pm and it was 96 degrees, humidity was 80%. ( or so we were told) But that was neither here nor there...we had to get home...
We had to eat dinner bc we were getting up at 3:30am!
Next post: RACE DAY! or HOW THE WATER DROPPED to 77.9 in a mere 10 hours.
I would have cursed if I had to walk that much the day before a race. :). Awesome pic with Chrissie. :) Heather Golnick gave ME a sport bottle this weekend. I was star struck.
great prerace report, but not fair to keep us waiting:)
That's so funny in your pic with Chrissie it's like, Don't get too close! ;)
And um, who is their right mind would wear a wetsuit in 81 freakin' degrees? OMG. If someone is worried about their swim, throwing a wetsuit on when it's 81 degrees would make it 100x worse when they're out there suffocating and burning up in that hot water!
I heard you did GREAT on Sunday, Julia! So congrats! And I look forward to reading about the rest of it!
oh I agree @ walkiing! I want to hear more about the wetsuit thing and the water. We had to wear suits but our water was super warm too. (not sure of temp) pros didn't have to ..I love the idea of a wave for those who aren't comfortable!
I can't wait to hear more about your race!!!
GET YOUR ASS back to blogging about the race, JULIA! ha!
can't wait to see the report b/c I know you were FAST~~~~~!!!!!!!!!
good god i'm tired jsut from reading that. how you raced after all that hooopla.. crazy...
Can't wait to hear more!! Love the picture with Chrissie!
mmmmm....I want a breakfast like the one you had.
I forgot about all the walking out there!
OK...I'm moving on to your next post now...
of course the water dropped in temp ;-) Can't wait to read the rest of it.
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