The Title pretty much sums up my past week. After enjoying the heat and humidity of Kansas I slowly got myself back home to 60 and cold. Ok not cold, but wet and damp and well..not really what i like. Sure the heat in Kansas was intense, but I like that, and i quickly adapt. I dont like wearing sweatshirts and being chilly 15 minutes after i finish a run. I want to be warm, not chilled.
The week prior to Kansas the lake was 74. This week it was 69. Those without wetsuits were chilled. I wore two caps and my head and face were cold for the first 30 minutes. Ok enough whine time. Just always feel like we have so little summer that i want it, and i want it now!
Ok Verooka Salt, into the chocolate river you go.
Time for a list I think:
-Terrenzo Bozzone is awesome. I saw him at Texas 70.3 and I think he has replaced Andy Potts for my Pro Crush. Rich is ok with this. I asked him.
-I am not totally recovered yet. I feel pretty good swimming and biking but my run still feels kinda SLOW. The body feels ok but I have no speed. or so it feels.
This stuff has helped. Ultragen. Love it!

-We celebrated my Dad's 83rd this week. Awesome time with bootlegs, grouper on the grill ( say that 100x) and grilled sweet potatoes. Yum. Oh yes cupcakes too.
He doesnt always wear the Jester's cap. Just on the 4th of July:)
-Speaking of...Last night we were doing movie night and i managed to dump a hot cup of tea (see its cold outside) on my lap and throw a cupcake onto the rug. What a waste of a CC. I freaked out and got a mild burn on my leg and cried bc I lost a good cupcake.
- I actually didnt cry bc of that, but just bc I was tired. and needed to go to bed!
-What is next? Some local stuff, plans for the Triple Bypass ( ok now i am getting a bit afraid of this, why did i sign up?) but hope that climbing Lemmon has me semi prepared.
-Still totally up in the air about which 70.3 i will do next but it feels like i want to do one more. I thought two would be good for summer but i have an itch and i love the training for this distance. So maybe Branson? Maybe Augusta? Maybe LCNatz with Ben and Renee. Wish i could do Steelhead but I have a bike race that weekend. Oh well. So many things to pack into our non-summer.
-Bought a TRX, it hasnt arrived yet. I did TRX friday and I am sore, but good sore. My shoulder is ok if i am smart about it.
-Watching the Clearwater coverage now. Still doesnt really appeal to me. Maybe I Am missing something but oh well.
-Good job to all racing this weekend. And a shout out to those that arent. Hope you are healing up and feeling better. You know who you are:) You will be back:)
I'm with you on the Terenzo Bozzone crush. And Andy Potts has such a wonderful demeanor, they are both beautiful - LOL! We've lost our summer as well. It's the middle of June and I had the air conditioning off and windows open. That is unheard of in the Valley! I'm glad you like the 70.3 distance, it kills me every time. And Clearwater, blah! Hope you had a great weekend!!
lol on the healers. um, me?! I skipped my race on saturday and was a good girl :) Do Augusta!! its a great race, long line to get started but I really liked it last year. congrats on your dad's 83rd, thats a huge celebration to have :) agreed about clearwater, I still don't really get it either, but what the hell, maybe I will change my mind after attempting it this year... have a great week and be patient with your recovery!
I am giggling about your pro crush. I totally get those (on EPL soccer players)!!! Hee hee!!!!!!!! :)))))))) Hey, I had a race idea, but will email you about it!
I agree about summer. Where is it? We've had rain and cool temps, we need summer! I heard Timberman is supposed to be great! Or come do Vermont Half JOurney with me if you like crazy hills!
100% agreeing with the title of your post. Froze my butt off on the bike today. HIGH of 67°? No thanks.
Seriously - where the hell is summer. It comes and visits for a bit an then just disappears. It's still misting. It's been misting for days. I think I also fall into the healers group - I am feeling so much better. Yippee!
it is here. in carolina. and i would like to send it back. you'll find the one that suits you. things are going to shake out this summer and start to make sense... just enjoy :) and head out to DQ.. talk about calorie over load.. perfect!!!!! oh and my new crush is on multiple collegiate rugby players who i dont even think are 21 yet... ha!
felt the same way about your blog post title this weekend. and andy hot potts? mmmm yes please!
I could definitely get in on the Terenzo bandwagon. Wow. Also, I would like to let you know that if you are looking for summer, it's in Cambridge, MD. I found that out yesterday. Holy hot.
Cupcake killer.
I am contemplating a late season 70.3, but not an Mdot race. See if either of these appeals:
Ok so Terenzo was at EM and he was HOT. I never paid much attention to him, but wow! :)) AND um..I know where the heat is!!!! Ha, just left it (thank god)...and it is nice crisp 64F here tonight in Chicago! Brrrr...but I am NOt complaining! Keep up the rest!
Sorry I was so confusing in my FB comments on you buying a TRX - I guess I just see you taking it out for a trial run at some park's jungle gym (like in some of the videos on YouTube), getting all tangled, and then getting very peeved and tangling up even more until you are forced to wait for help. You strike me as a person who loves to help yourself and that image was making me laugh.
No more laughing about the TRX. Maybe I'll even start it in the fall at the Y. Then you could laugh at me!
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