I Realized I should have done a vide of sunday, when it had stopped and It was light outside. But it was too cold, and even today i went out and took my mittens off and my fingers were so cold. It took me about 4x as long to drive what usually takes me 10 minutes. The sidestreets are nutz, people are stupid, they just stop and try to park in the middle of the street when there are snow drifts as high as:

If i had another person i could have shown you to scale that this is about 12 feet of snow.
But my other hand had this in it:

So far my quest to cut back on coffee is going ok. But when Caribou has $2 spicey mocha's, its hard to resist, even tho i dont really like chocolate. I get it home, sip it and go "ehh" and make tea ...I keep trying to love that chocolate. But not yet. I have lovely tea choices, So far my faves are green tea with mango, green tea melange and Jasmine. All loose leaf.
In other non weather and non caffeinated news:
The Dome collapsed.
Farve gets another day to pretend his SC joint isnt killing him and he is not in excruciating pain. IT makes me cringe to think of snapping that football when your SC ( Sternoclavicular) Joint is in jeoprady, but then again maybe he can pass it underhand, get a few shots to the joint and still keep his record, whatever it is. Kari, you know what it is dont ya? :) You are such a fan. NOT.
My sister in law had an emergency cupcake delivery saturday mid snowstorm. She gets a call asking for 6 dozen cupcakes in a jar. Lets back up.
CC in a jar =
1/2 a cupcake baked in a glass jar
topped with frosting
another 1/2 like a muffin top ( cooked separately) put on top of the cupcake and then more frosting.
They are then eaten with a spoon, out of the jar.
*** And having just seen the originial Gene Wilder "Charlie in a Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl, dont you think Aimee would be on to something if she were able to create a jar that then could be eaten? Like when they are drinking tea near the chocolate river right before the blueberry girl explodes?
Turns out she could only turn around 2 dozen in the short timeframe she was given, but the customer was insistent. So Aimee drops the 2 dozen CC in a jar off in a snowstorm saturday morning, and Mrs. #4 has her party favors for that night's party. Wonder if the party took place of she was trapped in her house with 2 dozen of the best buttercream frosted cupcakes known to humankind?:)
I rode my bike on the trainer alot this weekend. I mananged a short T run, and no butt pain. and when is say butt pain gotta just trust me it isnt piriformis and maybe i will write a post about what it is/was but for now its too long a post and too much that i will lose Kari, and i want her full attention since i have included all her favorite things thus far except
Yorks. There, now i did it.
YORKS are better than Junior Mints. I agree.
Ok that is all from the winter wonderland, but really this is going to make my outdoor riding a bit tough for the next few weeks.
random, funny blog. wow, that's a lot of snow. and I think I need to try a cupcake in a jar. but not the snow. and jeez, you'd think BF would have a little more sense than to try to play with that injury. But, then again, look at all of us riduculously type A amateur athletes, we keep playing on injuries, and we don't even get paid for it! well, he'd probably get paid for not playing, so I guess I'd opt not to play if I was him. He is a little old. Although we are older. But we are cuter, and funnier, and we have cooler injuries. and I'm rambling, so that's it! I'm done.
I didn't manage to get a workout in on Saturday. I knew I coulda done my Sunday trainer ride but I was too cold and depressed so I slept like ALL day. Sad! If you ever take 2 sips of the spicy mocha and want to throw it away please pass it my way....I LOVE those babies! I wanted to stop on my way to work for a $2 one but I resisted today!
Stay warm chica!
your weather sounds atrocious and i don't know if i could survive. those cupcakes - oh my god - they sound amazing!! keep warm Julia!!
ok so I'm sitting in my house this morning feeling all cold and sorry for myself when I see these pictures and think, ok michelle, stop being such a wimp. I'm gonna go put on socks now. ;)
Those cupcake things sound amazing. Probably something I should not be introduced to.
And you are going to ride outside in the next couple of weeks? You are crazy.
I have to say, those cupcakes do sound good! Love the snow pics, we are in an 80 degree heat wave here, so I'm having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit, LOL.
I am having butt pain,too. Learning all sorts of dirty words like TFL and Greater Trochanter. I want to hear about your butt pain. P.S. Please send the snow, but you can keep the cold.
yorks rule. snow bad.
Ick, all that snow. Not a fan, thank you very much. They keep talking about MN on the radio, that is a CRAZY amount of cold crap.
You guys need a new football gym. But if you were real football people, you'd play outside like the Packers ;-)
That's great to hear you are running w/ no butt pain. You are going to have a great season in 2011!!
I still can't picture those cupcakes. Ok, there are some seriously good teas over here (come on, we are tea-drinking Brits). Send me your address via FB.
Lots of snow! I hear Minneapolis and Saint Paul are still digging out and the kids have gotten another Snow Day out of it. I shouldn't tell you that the 'burbs were mostly plowed by Sunday night.
Spicy Mochas are my weakness this season. And they just don't taste right if you use skim milk rather then 2%.
Mmm, tea. Personally, I'm a fan of Barry's Tea. It's a black tea blend straight from Ireland. Mix in a little suger and some milk, perfection.
love the snow and coffee pics. I think I'm mildly homesick- for just one day of snow :) keep it up with the pain free running :) I love favre, he was our man since I was about 7 years old. but its time for him to retire. hoping this is the nail in the coffin since thats a total P.I.A. injury. good luck stabilizing that! nothing you can do but keep injecting the crap out of it and every time he throws its just going to be ridiculously painful all over again. I think its a career ender. on another note, why does the metrodome have an inflatable roof anyways? wasn't that just bound to happen one day?
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