You know what? I am done with this winter. I had talked myself into a nice happy place but now I am right back at the John McEnroe version of " YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS?!!!" on winter. And if you have never used a 15 foot snow rake on a roof then you really havent lived and you really havent had a core wko, standing in snow up to your waist or higher.
And you thought i was writing about something fun, like a run or an outdoor ride or a slamfest in the pool. Sorry. Not today.
Yes this is our front door. No, We dont use it.

Below you can see our yard, or maybe you cant.

Elizabeth the bear and i want to just cover our eyes, and please hope that this all ends soon.

Oh and the sound you hear?
"Drip Drip?" Yes that is our roof leak in the office so i had better go back to the raking even if i cant seem to reach the highest spots where there is the most snow. We may have steamers in our future. Lovely. Just Lovely. I kinda feel like EXCESSIVE SNOWFALL should be termed a natural disaster just like a hurricane or a flood. I had better wait on that bc i think the floods are next. Sigh. I want to say onward and upward as KG says but i just cant do that right now.
Better go rake again.
Booooo on more snow. Winter can leave now, even here.
We got more snow today, too! We also had to clear our roof - the snow messed up our gutters, but at least no flooding (this was a real problem for most this winter).
I think this was the last bit of snow! Onto spring and I will not complain of hot temps in the summer, I promise:)
ugh. I can't believe you have to 'shovel' your roof. That is so wrong.
People say the only reason I stay is because of my friends & family but after this year it seems like we're all leaving. We just need to agree on a place.
At least I know people will never hear you or I complain about the heat! That makes me feel justified when I piss & moan about the snow!
Minnesota is going to turn me into an alcoholic. I believe that's the only way I will survive.
And I'd never even heard of a roof rake before. Oh boy, I am in for a very rude awakening.
I knew you were going to get slammed. I have a friend who moved to the twin cities this year. How fun for her. :)
I know how frustrating that is. I feel really bad, and the worst is... and this is life... nothing I or anyone can do to make it easier for you.
Hang in there. March is just around the corner, and that means April. I hope for no floods. UGH, the roof. Oh dear I am getting off this blog. too depressing. :)
Oh noooooooo!!!
I really dont know how you cold weather folks do it! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that winter is on it's way out for you! :-)
Ugh, sorry you are in snow hell! Do the bear and I really share a name? That's AWESOME!! One of my nicknames is Lizzybear - so it's perfect. HA! :) Hang in there Julia!!
I feel your pain. We are in the same situation. My snow rake was one hot item for a few days. Like gold. I just keep telling myself that spring is in the air. :)
Ouch! Do I dare ask how long it took you to dig your driveway out?
Officially, we got 17 inches in EP on Sunday, plus at least another three inches yesterday. I'm with you, so ready to be finished with winter.
Shoot me an e-mail if you still need help digging out this week, I've got more free time than I'd like.
You realize some annoying California training athlete is reading this thinking, "roof rakes...she's getting the trng advantage with roof rakes! I must get one so I too can train like those MN athletes!" Or maybe they are not and we can go back to hating everyone who lives south of the snow line....hang in there!
I'm sorry Julia. :) hang in there!
wow. If it makes you feel any better it hailed here this week. And not just at top of some really big mountains.
I'm thinking Cheryl lives in Hawaii with Bree Wee stringing shells... RAKING your roof, not shoveling Cheryl and it builds character, doesn't it J? Ha ha!
It's pissing here in Boston today, we are waiting for the floods to begin with all the melting snow.
Hang in there!
oh man, thats a lot of snow. There's always a place in austin if you feel like venturning to warmer climate!
I just wanted to say in case there was confusion. I was leaving the blog as a joke, leaving cause of the hard times. You are still on my list, and will always be. :)
U R still and will always remain one of my favs. :)
U R Julia and I love you tons!!! :)
lol cause I know you so well. :)
Hope you have a good training weekend. :)
ONE more month and it'll all be over! Hang in there!!!!
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