I am waiting for the thaw. I had hopes of riding outside today but windchill advisories and temps in the teens made that decision a no brainer. The only good thing about not riding outside for over 4 mos is that there is never any 30 min "get dressed, decide, assess, get too hot, get too cold, put heat warmers in your feet, but arent they too hot? pack fluids, will they freeze, what route, where is the wind? how long, do you have another Cross tire tube? I cant fix that in cold weather so who is coming to get me if i flat too far from home?...." blahblahblah.
Inside its just all about which WTA tennis match is on, or is it Davis Cup? or like today it was Top Chef and then a few Versus Reruns of cycling in Nice. Good times..
Friday we finally hit 40, and that lasted about 8 hours. They say we are hitting the 40's all next week so that means two things:
1) Operation Move everything out of the basement that flooded last year, ( race wheels)
2) GET OUTSIDE on my bike. I have permission to ditch any trainer wko for my cross bike. And i intend to take advantage of that more than once if possible.
We still have A LOT OF SNOW. I know some of you have lost your snow by now but i cant even open the back door bc of the snow and its literally piled up across the city. I heard friday that they had to "move" the snow at Parade Stadium to get it ready for baseball in April, but they werent sure WHERE to move it. That is insane. What about dumping it in the river? We are gonna flood like there is no tommorrow so whats some more snow?

Here i am icing my leg in the snow in front of our house. For scale you can see my green boot below. It's pretty easy to take a snow bath at my house.

And keeping it light and happy I am working to take each day as it comes, ice down as i can, and rest if i have to. Things are not 100% on the body front by any means but I am determined to let things play out and try not to be so stressed if they dont play out as i had hoped.
We all saw last week how quickly a life can be taken ( Sally) and like so many of you it stopped me in my tracks and made me think that my life is pretty darn good after all.
I am sorry for any of you that knew her, so sad.

I hope you all have a great weekend and that you arent waiting for dry ground as well!
I need to adopt your no-stress outlook on injuries... I'm not doing very well with that right now.
Hope you thaw out soon!
I was wondering what the heck that boot was. Still so much snow, and being guaranteed of flooding.
Hang in there, and good luck.
Yes, we had flooding issues too, but we are over that now, as most of the snow is gone! Love your attitude on injuries! Hang in there, spring will be here soon!
It's gotta melt some time right?!? But I seriously wouldn't be surprised if some of those piles are hanging around in may or june!
I love the photo of the boot in the snow, kind of reminds me of the wizard of oz scene, where the witches legs with the ruby slippers are sticking out from under the house. ok, kind of yucky, glad your legs were intentionally buried in snow, although I wish your snow would go away :-(
hang in there Julia
I can't believe you can ice your leg in the snow! Thinking thaw thoughts for you!
Brr!! And yes, the body is an amazing thing and will heal in time! Hang in there!! Life is good!! Go make a snow angel :)
Same snow here in Vermont! And dump trucks full of snow driving all over town, too. You have inspired me to get out and ride today. We have sun and 30s and I am going to hop on my old mountain bike. Glute medeus is STILL strained so anytime I ski or hike or run in the snow, I make it worse. It seems like a sin to exercise indoors on a sunny day in March. Thanks for the inspiration! Hope your snow just disappears like magic. Until then, I hope there will be a lot of tennis and cycling on TV!
I'm waiting for the same thaw :) We did have about 48 on Saturday at 12:45 when I FINALLY got off my trainer after.. well, a freakin long time and I was so mad that I didn't know it was going to be that warm. By Sunday, it was 32 again :( We'll get there! Soon my friend! Thanks for the comment on the video.. that means so much.. thank you Julia. Love the icing in your front yard!
It scares me to see your environment. That must be why you are so tough...
I can't believe you guys still have snow. AZ is coming up soon though :)))
wow that is still A TON of snow :( i feel bad for you. i think you are due for a trip south! hope it warms up quickly girl! and let me know if you have any tips for my first job search post PT school....not too fun!
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