I had a nice little break after the last triathlon of the season in late August and I was mentally ready to take on about 4 weeks of a run focus. JH did not let up on me running that is for sure. I felt like she handed me about as much as i could handle including " shake out runs," which i associate with my fast runner friends like Angela.I always felt special to run a shake out run in my Hoka's, and Jen teased me that i nailed those runs as well as the harder one's! She took it easy on me on the bike, as evidenced by my complete near breakdown riding about 48 miles at Rich's Memory ride in mid september. Yikes. Not in bike shape. Swimming has been fine and we have still be in the lake just because we can.
Ok as for the race I had a few niggles that came out of nowhere but i nailed a tough track wko the tuesday prior so i figured unless I woke up on the wrong side of the bed i was good to go. I think Jenny didnt know if i could meet my goal. But my goal was to go zub 7's for the 10 miler. At this point i think she was thinking i was fragile and to be honest SEPTEMBER and well alot of August was really really hard for me. Just too much stuff happening that sorta all came to a head mid and late september so i was fine with her talk of " just go have fun." well I was going to break 70 if i could and i knew deep down i could.
If you read Angela's blog you know, that you basically jump off a cliff ( into the mississippi river) for 2 then climb back out for 5 miles then even off for 3. Welcome to St Paul. JH had said to start at 7s and not faster and descend but i ended up banking some time off that cliff and when i got to mile 5 i was at 7 min pace. I knew from there on that the climbs were more gradual and i knew ( thank you tangerine gel) that i could hurt and hurt and drop that 7 min pace.I negative split those last 5 miles and met my goal with 18 sec to spare. I swear that running cold ( and actually the temps were awesome) is harder than running off the bike when you are warmed up and your legs are already turning over.
Here are a few pics my friend Terry took. Terry Lee like KY is out at so many events, and he is the best cheerer and photo taker. Thanks Terry! I think my glove got all messed up i was trying to wave but it looks like i am asking for a favor.

At the finish I met up with some nice friends and it seems we all ran a bit long. My Garmin had me at 10.09 and i think i run a good tangent and Angela had it as 10.2! I know for sure that those first miles i was dodging bodies even tho i was in coral 1 very close to the front. I jogged another 2 miles back with Ann and then went home to my parents. My mom was a trooper and got up extra early to walk up to the corner with her walker. My dad has a bum leg too, so its been tough to see them work so hard but its so special to have them cheering. None of this means anything If i dont have my family and friends around, racing or not. IT feels sorta empty to me. And honestly that is some of what i am figuring out right now. End of season thoughts i know. No regrets, but also so so so blessed to have friends ( and blog friends) that get this crazy sport and the " its there, why not?" attitude. Special too to get to hang out with CY and warm up with her, to see Erin and Nick at the finish, and to keep my mylar blanket thinking my dad used to use those when he pheasant hunted. Oh wait, he doesnt hunt anymore. I saved it anyways:)
So the off season is underway and I am thrilled to have some mental rest. The physical stuff is fine too, I dont feel all that banged up but i know i need to bank some deep rest as 2014 is a big year!
Thanks for reading and congrats to all the runners, especially the 26.2. Wow i didnt envy you yesterday but i sure did respect you!
You rocked it! And I wish I could say I negative split that course! Enjoy the off-season. We need to share a bottle of wine or two if I ever get to my off season.
CONGRATS Julia!! Great racing! Negative splitting: very hard to do but right way to race! :)
What a way to end your season - sub 70 min 10 miler and negative split! WINNING! NOW rest up! :)
Awesome race, Julia! Way to cap off a fantastic season! So fun to see you at the finish line, too :) Also, I want to hear more about the Hokas!
Congrats on making your goal. Great running. FYI I read an article from GArmin that said, if a course if actually accurate, your Garmin will read that it is long.
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