Synergy TTSome random pics of...Charles and Julie...( sorry Cha, got you with your mouth full!)
Mr. Bernie has a Birthday...and yea i know Jimmer, it looks like a mudslide, but it tasted GREAT!

Oh yea, we rode our bikes in the sufferfest, too. I cant say it was fun, but i avoided the JohnDeere riding mower at the start, and was mighty tempted to hop into the wall of MS riders going into the wind on Manning. They were working hard as well..for a great cause.

Well, here is the birthday boy now! Thanks to Skinny Ski for the bike pics.

And after all that, smiles and no rain. Thanks Now, Ben, Ambrose, Sumo, Mike, Dino, Cubs ( who was likely at the shop) and the nice Synergy gal who alerted me that Ambrose wasin the van at the start "doing nothing," so he could get my rear derailleur back in sync. I owe you...

recovery fuel of...crazy people?

hey julia-
great seeing you at blackdog. Looks like i was racing with your team?? i say yes to going under 17! Great job at TNT too. Its going to be a great season.
That is SWEET recovery fuel!!!
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