Huge thanks to this cool gal below who helped me thru my first swim meet! I knew nobody. NOBODY. For those of you that know me ( Honey, are you reading??) it is rare or even unheard of that I dont go somewhere and know SOMEONE. Though that was hardly the tough part of the day.
Granted I wasnt SO SICK I couldnt at least show up and see what this swim meet was all about. I did manage some breakfast, oatmeal and a banana, but that was about all my stomach was intersted in. I headed out and went to the U of MN. Great pool. Great aquatic center! I was so happy when Lori got there and she was happy I was there bc she had no money and had called to see if i could spot her some cash-ola to renew her license and to enter the races. Lori was coming from swim meet # 2? #3 ? as she coaches kids and her daughter specifically!
So onto the race ( s)..plural. Remember who coaches me. Jen the Fish.
The game plan was 100-500-50-1650. I knew when 6am came ( and having been up many times) that it was an all or nothing day. I knew I had to do either all the short ones OR the long one. I didnt think i had it in me to do all of them. Plus monday's are my LONG work day. I have Toasted myself too many times on sundays and then monday comes and it makes for a long week. By now Aaron had showed up too.
Aaron is a great kid. More on Aaron later. But remember that Aaron makes me lead the lane. I dont mind as he says " I Cant swim fast in the morning." Ok.
It was FREEZING in there. I mean FREEZING. EVERYONE, even those that werent as lean were running around with hats and hats and pants and sweatshirts. At one point i was shivering so much that Lori got the code to sneak into the steam room but we didnt have time before all our events. She was doing all Breast, I was doing all Free. Darn. The air was nice, clean, no chlorine but it was chilly. Aaron, Lori and I were shaking it was so cold.
Next up 500. "Hmm. I think i should have warmed up again, but oh well...I am lucky i only have had to run to the loo once so far." So i line up and go. I imediately am behind in my heat but that is ok. Lori isnt dropping the count cards so i get really confused, "did i get in the wrong lane?" Finally around 7 she starts dropping in the card. Phew. I know i started too slow but i was happy to pick it up and get moving. When i see card 10 I know i am halfway there and i start to think about the pain locker. Too late, maybe in hindsight. My time was fine, Lori said i descended all the 50's after about 200 yards and i finished around 7 minutes. I wanted to go sub 7, but i do know that next time I need to warm up again even if i am shaking I am so cold. As I said. I wasnt cold in the water I was cold on the deck.
Last is the 50. Lori says " You can do sub 35. Go for 30-35. Turn your arms over, and dont breathe. Breathing is for wimps." So that is what i do. I dont breathe and I pump my arms as fast as i can. (Ok i lied, i did breathe too much, but not on the last 12 yards I promise!) I come up breathless with 34.05! Ok barely made it under 35! I am not a sprinter so this is good for me to work on.
Now Aaron, does a 1.03 in the 100 free! And a 30 in the 50 free! Dude you are so leading the lane next time! Granted in his defense he says he has no endurance but i suggested he work on that! HA!
I will certainly go back again and will do the 1650 or the 1000 next time. And I was so happy i dove off the blocks and didnt lose my goggles and they didnt fill with water!!! Last time i did a swim meet was when i was in my teens and I dont think we even wore goggles. So progress my friends, progress. And as i told Aaron, "We showed up! That itself is a huge!"
Great job Julia!! I can't even imagine doing more than one event!! Oh, and being cold in between events - yuck. Anyway - awesome times, especially for not feeling well! And you'll get that 1650 next time... :)
Nice job on your races!! I wish I could have been there!! WAY TO GO!!
Great job at the swim meet! I hate being cold before you swim, too bad it wasn't at an outdoor pool by the beach, huh? Oh, and a pina colada post recovery wouldn't be too bad either...
Yeah, Julia!!!! I LOVE reading about your swim have worked so hard to become a better swimmer and stepping up on the blocks is a huge accomplishment, Nice work! :)
Awesome job on the swim meet!! And with stomach distress even! No more scallops before though :)
I don't think I ever heard this whole story before - it sounds like it was an excellent meet!
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