I think it is interesting to see how different and how alike we all eat. Sometimes i get in food ruts, just bc I feel like i am eating alot/frequently. Here are some things that i turn to pretty regularly and dont seem to get sick of them. Usually!
Hope this helps if you get in food ruts come spring. And i mean COME SPRING. We are supposed to get to 55 this weekend. HEAT WAVE. BRING. IT.
I love kefir. I eat it over oatmeal in the morning with fresh peaches. YUM!
Hooorrraaaay for the "warmer" weather! Food choices look great! Yeah for the fruits and veggies. I would add Greek yogurt to the oatmeal - a new expirament, but one that I really like! Nice on the martini... mine is a glass of wine. And a cadburry cream egg (how did that get there???)
WHERE are the M&Ms?
Good list, I don't love "drinking" anytime really...so, the Kefir or whatever....hmmm, but I could pour it over my oatmeal, sure.
Yeah, sideways cottage cheese is the best! ;)
Don't listen to Jen about those things. She just doesn't want you to have any fun.
And Recoverite is the BEST!!
ooooooh, I could eat at your house! No problem, you got the stuff I like (most of it anyways)...
Happy Easter!
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