Not much going on really. My sister Elizabeth and I went to hear my brother Rob perform his voice recital at Mcphail school of music in downtown Mpls sunday. My nephews and my sister in law, her mom and her sister were also there. Rob did awesome. What a voice. I am seriously thinking if he could stretch out "If I only had a Brain" and add on "Somewhere over the Rainbow" and a few others he would be my pick for musical appearance at my wedding. Nephew Will burst out with "Doe a Deer" and Joe finished it off with tunes from the Chipmunks. Which i cant understand one word of, so that would be perfect for the reception dont ya think? Plus Will ( who is 4, btw) was all about the microphone and "How ya all doin today?"After sitting thru opera and a few others I was thinking those boys deserved a bit of Mr. Microphone time.
It was really fun and special...also bc Rob and I used to support each other at tennis matches all thru juniors and college. And so at first I was like "uh sure, I can come hear you to play tennis after?" In all honesty Rob has a phenomenal voice and so i knew he would do a great performance. He has the confidence and stage presence to pull it off, wheras I tend to get the mike and start the shakes or talk as if i have just had 5 cappucinos. toastmasters anyone?
So where am i going with this post? Lots of fun with my family upcoming this spring and summer.

Iona, gone but not forgotten.
And i will finish this random post with some neat pics Jenny just sent ...LOVE IT. Sunday i did my long run in sleet and wind driven snow. I think you all have seen enough of my snow / ice winter pics so i have to tell you that I sure wish i had been running with Jenny and Mary. But sometime soon I hope to be running in sun and warm temps. No Cacti ( plural for cactus?) in MN but I will take the heat and humidity as soon as it is time.
State Fair crits are going to be a blast again this year!
great to read about your "other life".. what you dont run and bike all the time? please give the new pup a big hug :) i'm such a fan of rescues.. they truly make the best dogs!! i'm longing for tucson too.. the pollen has descended on NC and everything is covered in a yellow blanket. ugh! have a great week!!
Ruby is so cute! I love that your parents adopted her from a golden rescue. How hard was it for them? Nice trail running pics too!
I am super impressed that you race crits, I have been asked to do them a couple of times and have always chickened out - afraid of break a bone or bones? Great training for the bike portion in tris though.....I heard you are a phenomenal biker from the pink sock ladies.
water balloon throwing rocks!! :)
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