Never short on words, what i was going to say was that the Lake was 56-57 degrees or so, WARM for Lake had i had a wetsuit on and one of those hats with ears. ANd the sun was out, And there was no wind. HA, Dont think you will catch me at St. George, but anyways...
Oh I did take these pics:
Ruby looking longingly at the river. Until she got in and had a panic attack bc the rocks were slippery and i had to lift her out. Poor girl. She JUST learned to swim this summer!

And modeling my mom's glasses. I may wear them in my next race.

We did do a race this weekend. WE. Rich did his first race! He did so well, I am so proud. And he even finished the entire run, and wanted to run again this weekend at the cabin. Whoa.
I asked if he would do another one. And despite saying "next year, maybe," i did catch him grabbing his goggles to go swim in the Lake and also talking like he really MAY do another.
I have a few more short races this summer, so we shall see.
And i have to post this picture. CY texted me that Kerry ( the fantastic eye behind the lens of Yndecam!) had a pic of me trying to put my helmet on backwards. Yup. I did. So for all of you readers ( or all 2 of you) that think i am the old pro, um..not. 2nd year racing. Yup I am a dork. So dont be embarrassed when you do this. Just PLEASE dont ride out of T1 with it on. I realized pretty darn quick that it was backwards but in my defense it was windy and so it USUALLY sits nicely on my aero bars, facing the correct way. I do have a bottle holder on my Aero Bars so it kept blowing off. Obviously i set it down and didnt really pay attn to the orientation of the helmet. Yup, Always something isnt it :) So Laugh at me. I continue to do so!
So up next...road bike cleaning, Triple Bypass cramming, and more family fun. I am not doing a tri all of July. That is pretty weird.But Ok, lotsa bike stuff and even an OW swim race. Sans wetsuit.
Yippee for summer!
Hahaha. Great helmet picture. My parents have a pic of me in T1 with my wetsuit on and my cycling shoes on as well. Oops. But I had no legit excuse, I was just talking too much and not paying attention.
Sounds like you had a nice weekend, and congratulations to Rich, the new triathlete!
BTW...I'm weather-stalking for you. Still just seeing 20% chance of t-storm. That's good!
OMG that is funny....
SOOOOO funny!!! And huge congrats to Rich!
HIIIIlarious julia! i love how you are always smiling in your pictures! congrats to rich! woohoo!
yes you are a retard. and yes i am allowed to call you that. when are you inviting me up to that cabin? congrats to rich!!
Congrats to Rich! And I actually did have a friend who rode out of T1 with his aero helmet on it does happen :)
I LOVE the last picture with the sneaky smile on your face. Congrats to Rich on his first tri. I hope he had fun, and I think it is great that you are so proud! (That is how I felt when Andrew did his first swim meet, except for the part where I forgot that I should teach him how to dive into the water. Ouch belly flop!)
LOVE IT!! I don't think I've done that one (yet) but I've done plenty of other similarly embarrassing things. :) Congrats again to Rich for his first tri...many more to come I'm sure!
Congrats to Rich! and you are awesome for 2nd year racing, wow.
I love "tony the tiger great." And that is too funny about the helmet. Can't say it's not something I would do. And this is totally random but I like the font of Julia on your ass - it looks like a different font than most use for the name on the back.
love the photos and your helmet mishap :) it happens! congrats to rich on his first tri. talk about a comeback.
Glad you had such a great weekend! LOVE the helmet shot!! ;) Think we've all done that. SO cool that Rich raced!!!
Are you doing that open water swim race in Lake Harriet? I had considered it. Cute helmet picture!
Triple bypass will be AWESOME! It just takes us midwesterners a bit to adjust to that kind of riding. We see hill and we try to power up & over it instead of settling in for the long haul. Pics! LOTS of PICS!
I really thought the sunglasses looked fashionbable. Sort of like Nicole Richie fashionable. :) Nice pics and nice video. I'm not going to comment on the helmet. I have done much worse. As you know.
Love the sunglasses. And awesome picture of you and the helmet.
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