- I accepted the Bous slot. I sorta knew i would, bc I had 95% of me saying "what an honor, and how cool is this? I cant say no!!!" while only 5 % of me was relating this to a tennis analogy, where i have been, where I beat the top seed in the semi's and then when the reality of the great match hits me i am destroyed in the finals by an opponent who was very much my equal. Tisk tisk for thinking this, mainly bc I dont really feel like ANY of the girls i race WITH are my opponents. I am honored that they push me and i hope i push them to be better athletes and to enjoy the sport for the right reasons. I dont mean to make a huge deal out of it but i had my heart set on one more 70.3 and i just had to decide. We are doing alot of cycling in july, I am not even racing a Tri in july, and i just cant race back to back weekends doing longer stuff:(
-Rich does his first Tri tommorrow! I am SO EXCITED. He is in the last wave, and I am in the first wave so i will be home in time to watch him finish. GO RICH!!! I sure hope they dont allow wetsuits, its soupy out there and the lake is super shallow. But we all know how that goes., Ahem. Those lakes seem to drop a gazillion degrees overnight. Voila! ( NOT)
He doesnt have a wetsuit so not like i am going to derail his efforts in a 1/3 mile swim.
- I am also racing. But as i have told many, it is all about Rich. I had my fun last weekend. Which means i am gonna look at this as a SUPER DUPER HARD wko! I may run out of real estate with such a short flat course on the run but i sure will try to run down a few of my speedy bike friends.
-Then we are hopping in the car to go to the cabin where ice bathes are free and Dairy Queen grows on trees. Well not quite but it is a daily event. ( or should i just call it a food group?)
May have to try the new DQ flavor, Pecan Pie. Or make someone else try it so i can get a taste:) sneaky...
These are old but July 4 means picnics, water ballon tosses, 3 legged races and just good old fun. Oh and my dad's jestor hat:)
chippy may kill me for using these photos from 3 years ago but they still make me smile.
- Have a great weekend everyone. We come back from this weekend, then we leave the next weekend for this:

IT makes me wish i had one of these:
If you dont know what that is. No it isnt a mosquito net:)
Happy 4th!!!
Wait...DQ growing on trees???? I need to be a part of this!! :) So happy you are going to BOUS! And good luck this weekend to both you and Rich! FUN!!!! Have a great holiday Julia!
Hey...congratulations on that BOUS spot! That is a huge honor- and I am glad you are going. Congrats again! I hope Rich enjoys his first day...I am sure he will. Watch out for the tri-animal you may have created...
Yeah! Glad you decided to do BOUS. And good luck to Rich this weekend! Enjoy your fourth with the family and get some DQ for me!
Congrats on Bous, glad you decided to do it. Can you believe I've never had DQ in my life? Weird, ha, I came to the US 14 years ago, so plenty of time... Good luck to Rich!!!
Oh man... that blizzard looks REALLY good. Not as good as when they did pumpkin pie, but really anything thanksgiving - you can't go wrong.
Good luck to Rich, and congrats on the the BOUS spot!
HAPPY 4th of July!! I think DQ should grow on trees :) YUMMY! Congrats on the BOUS spot, that's great!! And congrats to Rich for racing this weekend!
Hope you had a great 4th of July. And that Rich enjoyed his race.
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