Dartmouth Graduate and Roger Federer Fan who spends most of her time working, cycling, swimming or running.
But watching Grand Slam tennis is still the BOMB.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
BlackDog 8/13/08What is more exciting..riding consistently faster than last year or... Hanging next to CY? I think I would have talked to her all night. Thanks Yndecam for the great pics. I promised myself that come fall when i have more time i will update my blog so i have more links, etc..until then i am too busy doing other stuff:)
Great pics! Looks like fun!!
I'll say fast! You were how many people behind me at TNT today?
I think you should race in your run shorts next time!
At first kerry said-that can't be Julie, she wouldn't ride in those shorts ;-)
You'd think he'd be used to the post DOG run routine.
See you next week for the finale!
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