Sheryl and I did awesome. Surely the most popular kids on the team since we own the park tool bottle openers. I tried to get Bonny in on the picture but she took off to change into civilian clothing. Lets just say that if you are a woman aged 40-49yo and come out to TNTT, you may wish you were younger or older. The three of us had an awesome decimal point standing finish for top 3 women. Thanks gals for making me ride faster.

Family Picture:) Glad my shoes are glow in the dark, since it was getting dark out. Kinda forgot i had my glasses on my head till i drove off in the dark thinking "where are my glasses!"
Thanks to John Shishilla for snapping the picture for us.

Oh yea, VERVE RACING in case you didnt know. I had my favorite tennis t shirt on, the one my friend Elyse got when she played in the Maccabi games in Israel last summer.

Team First Light took 3rd in a heavily stacked team series. Gear West fasties took first, Ortho skulls took 2nd ( i think that is Team Ortho) and First Light took 3rd. Not to out anyone but these guys are over 50. (No, not me and Elliot) but that is pretty awesome. I would guess that the first and second place teammembers are in their 20's and 30's.
Mosquitos came out, we took our weapons ( I mean bottle openers) and headed to the car for home. This is the first TNTT i have driven home in the pitch dark. It was 8:55pm. Dang it.
The snow is coming....Ok minor panic attack. I know we have a few more..weeks?
I am so bummed I missed the last TNT.
Trev started football.
Way to go on the series!! Congratulations!!
ARe you in off season now??
You are all about the disc huh! you photos totally have me inspired to ride it and be brave on it!
Thanks for the encouragement, I will have to think of you on that ride through Yellow Lake when I feel some VROOOOOOOOOM!!
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