Ok I am hardly the hardcore winter rider. If anything i am the fair weather "Oh it is 20 and may get warmer, maybe i will see how the roads are" rider. My rule is that if it is going to get colder during the ride I skip it. Warmer, I go. Temps can be deceiving. Yesterday it was 12 degrees, sun shining. The kind of day your cat thinks they want to go outside. Then you walk outside and the wind is there and you find out the windchill is -2. Ok 'nuf said. I dont ride fast in the winter, but if I am feeling that west wind while walking down the street, I just may feel it even if i am only riding 10-12mph. Plus my toes feel it and that is my weakest link.
So I was thinking it would be fun to post about WHAT YOU ( I NEED) FOR A WINTER RIDE.
Obviously first of all, I need it to be above 18 degrees. Random number but it is what it is. I also need to know that there isnt a nasty windchill. No go. And ideally sun. Lots of it. But as we know, sometimes sun= deceptive ( think cat wanting to go outside after heating in the window) so dont go running out just bc the sun is out.
Fenders : pretty obvious why. I have one on my front wheel as well. Your friends will thank you. and your rooster tail will be non existent.
Kinda spendy back when i got them but I am SOO glad i got them. Even if i dont use them too much.
Miscellaneous where's waldo stuff:
Toe and hand warmers
A light in case the sun isnt out. Cars dont Heart you when you are taking up what they perceive to be their right to ride on the white line.
Nutrition: Shot blox, open the bag before you go, no fun trying to tear into that when riding and your hands are cold. A metre of licorice helps too. Black. Australian.
Phone: just dont answer it mid ride. Nothing bugs me more than having to stop to answer a social call. Unless you are a Doctor and you are on call (yes this is a good time for me to exercise patience) then your phone is a safety tool. You use it when you have a flat and you cant change it bc your fenders are in the way and you really have no idea how long it has been since you took the tire off your way too dirty cross bike. Today honey got paged. Had to go to the hospital. One reason we didnt head all the way to Rosemount.
Hand/Face/Legs/Clothing: ( no you dont need an aquajogger, that just snuck in the picture)
In the above pic those are lobster gloves and windproof pants. Wind proof. not just some old nylon things. Get the more $ ones and you will be thankful. You need those windproof panels.
Even today in the sun it was warm But as soon as i hit a stretch on the Big River Trail i was descending and it was shaded. Repeat I am not going 25 mph, likely 18-20 mph and it gets chilly. Because of that shade these icicles are there till at least late April or May.
Going up Ohio to head back down the High Bridge I was thinking how good this was for me, to be riding 40 psi with full fenders. What a strength wko that was. Here is the view just before I headed back down the high bridge ( I came up this in the beginning of the ride):
Sometimes it is easier to just ride the trainer:) But when you do get out it is so wonderful to be moving. And plus, today's trainer ride would have been to a total blowout by Serena.
As my FB said. BORING. I am really bored by her. Not her fault, and nothing personal. I just wish someone could match her. Justine is retired, Maria is injured and the -Ova's arent consistent enough. Serena is one tough cookie, she deserves it. As i said just my opinion.
Tune in later and everyone give a rouse for the FED. Should be a great final versus Nadal.
But does anyone agree that Rafa isnt quite himself without his man pants? This is hilarious:
Note he has been wearing bermuda shorts not his capri pants. Maybe this comment and many like it made him think about his wardrobe.
Why wear the Capri pants that you have to constantly pull out of your rear? Why not shorts? —Sara Norm, Chicago
[Laughs.] It's not the fault of the clothes. It's a habit that I picked up when I was competing when I was young. I am trying to break the habit, but it's not easy.

Happy Weekend everyone!