Well..where to start....it has been a whirlwind, but isnt it always?
The xmas week got off to a good start but as many of you midwesterners know it had the added element of SNOW STORM. Actually it was pretty tame and other than the fact that my little old volvo has such low clearance that i couldnt even get out of the garage thursday morning ( had ot go meet the sisters Mairs for some pool fun..) it all worked out since i could bring Rich to work and then use his car.
So cookies were made, homemade caramel rolls were made, workouts were done, etc...
My parents have Xmas eve every year and so this year 36 strong we served up the usual suspects of many cheesy casseroles, lots of great salad in a wooden bowl that weighs about as much as my nephew, and then the Beef Tenderloin.
For those of you that like it rare, you are invited. We ( my dad) struggles each year with the proper temp of the oven and each year the thing is quivering when it is DONE. Ha! I think next year we are having honeybaked ham! Less stress and less general anxiety over the DONE-ness of the beef. a lovely meal no matter what and all with cousins and nephews and neices..all in all we had 10 boys ( 8 under the age of 16) and finally a little gal ( kaia, who is almost a year!) and all my cousins and aunts and uncles. My uncle Geordie now uses a walker and came in the back since there are fewer stairs. He came right in ( carrying the walker! LOL) and walked by my brother and said "Get me a beer!" We are so glad he came to visit with all of us!
In addition we had the lovely Heide and my nephew ( her son) Chippy. Chippy was sadly banned from FB before he left from Houston and was most ecstatic to have a wall charger lent to him bc he left his at home. "tant pis" is all Heide had to say. And last night he broke the FB ban and now has double fines ( but tells me it was worth it. ) Whoa to be in 6th grade and in love.
I asked "why didnt you just call her?" "aunt Julia, it was 2 in the morning. Plus her dad took her phone away." hmm...I am thinking my life in 6th grade was pretty nice without an answerwing machine and without a computer!
Rich and I got into the holiday spirit hanging in the kitchen. It was time to pull out the Norwegian Sweater!
Ruby and her favorite gift. it Squeeks of course.
Xmas day came way too soon and Rich and i both got in a short workout, me running in balmy 36 degree weather and near rain. Other than the plows nearly drenching me and some added shovel time it was a great way to get outside. Rich got an early gift from Coach Troy ( and me) and started his ascent of Mt. Lemmon on Xmas morning. He didnt quite get to Windy pass but was excited to feel the road:) And off to brunch back at my parents. WE picked up my other sister since her Volvo was too low to get thru the deep wet snow as well.
Norwegian Sweater # 2.
Chippy tried out Aunt Elizabeth's snowshoes and showed why he is a True Texan.
Tennis shoes and no socks.
Here is Will with his top picks of the day.
A Golden Retriever Webkin and Yes, ladies and Gents, a disco globe. I guess in his class they had a new years eve party and the teacher had a rotationg disco globe. My brother was relieved he didnt want any tight spandex pants or Dancing with the Stars DVD's. Yet.
Rich got what he always wanted from my brother and sister in law.
A Pony.
And from me. a New wheel. I have had a disc for a year and i think plans to bury me in the TT's next summer. So i had to get him one with a nice note saying:
"I love you Merry Xmas.
BRING IT." HAAHAHA ...i didnt but you know i was thinking it:)
Below is last year but i just love the picture of my sisters. I am so lucky to have sisters and I wish Heide lived here, not Houston.

Puerto Vallarta, 2008
We were going to go to mexico in january 2010. But we are going to the Mayo Clinic instead.
Christmas was good, and 2010 is going to be wonderful, healthy and I am so thankful for all my friends and family! Thank you!!